

At The Turing School, we envisage a future where every student, regardless of their special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), thrives within a nurturing, inclusive learning environment. Our unwavering dedication to holistic development, comprehensive resources, and carefully tailored support systems ensures that our SEND students realise their full potential both academically and socially. This steadfast commitment to equality and inclusion is the driving force behind our ambitious vision, as we move towards a future of educational excellence.


Aspiration: We foster an environment that inspires our SEND students to reach their full potential. By setting ambitious academic goals and providing the necessary tools for achievement, we nurture our students' ambition, encouraging them to aspire to greatness in every aspect of their lives. Our differentiated curriculum, small group work, and individualised intervention programmes are all designed to meet each student's unique needs, enabling them to succeed in a challenging, yet supportive educational environment.

Respect: This extends to every aspect of our provision for SEND students. Prioritising safety and inclusivity, we take significant measures to ensure that every student feels valued and understood. We provide additional pastoral support during break and lunch times and employ strict anti-bullying measures, creating a nurturing environment where all can thrive. Our proactive approach in liaising with primary school SENCOs and parents ensures smooth transitions and continuous support for SEND students throughout their journey at The Turing School.

Diversity: Reflected in our unwavering commitment to meeting the unique needs of each student, is diversity. Our teachers are trained to understand and address diverse learning needs, providing exceptional, tailored support that allows every student to flourish. We value and respect every student's individuality and endeavour to create a school community where diversity is not only accepted but celebrated.

Innovation: By embracing innovation, we employ evidence-based, interactive, adaptive teaching methods that prepare our SEND students for a rapidly changing world. Our commitment to innovation ensures our students receive a well-rounded education that leads to excellent academic outcomes, as well as strong social and emotional development. Our innovative approach equips our students with the skills and resilience necessary to navigate the future with confidence and success.


Find out more about our SEND provision here.

Find out about our inclusion initiative, 'The Key,' here.